Friday 31 December 2010

SCORPION Owwwwww.!

On Monday I pulled a muscle in my back and then one of the social wasps decided it didn’t like me and stung me in the back. I have recovered from these now but on Tuesday night just before going to bed a small scorpion decided to have a go as well. I was watching a DVD when all of a sudden there was a sharp sting on my second toe on my left foot. Sh......t!!! I looked down to see a scorpion about 30mm long. Not wanting to be stung again he got the order of a size 11 boot. It was a strange sensation and one that I don’t want to go through again. There was no swelling or redness but I could feel the poison very slowly affecting my toe, and then it spread very slowly around my foot. It wasn’t really painful but as if the poison was like little explosions in my veins. Although I have never had Ricicles in my blood it was a bit like having them in your veins and them popping as the moved around. Can anyone explain what was happening. It was a bit worrying at first because I know some scorpions are deadly but luckily this one was apparently quite mild. I have read various articles on scorpion stings, about applying hot or cold water but decided to let it run its course until morning when if it didn’t improve I would go to the hospital. I collected the dead scorpion to keep for identification just in case things got worse. In the morning I talked to some of the locals and described what had happened and they told me not to worry and that the effects would wear off over a couple days and that they get stung every so often and have no after effects. They were right as today is Friday and all of the effects have now totally disappeared.

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